September through December...November is the Exception

September is here!!

Wow the summer passed by super fast and with in the warm weather. Time to pull out the favourite pull over and fluffy pajama pants.

I don't know if I mentioned in past posts that I wasn't going back to school in septemeber...I could have just left off with wanting to get into Res for next semester but it's true I'm not in school.

Last semester left me with a few health problems, the travelling was getting a bit out of hand and well with my grandfather passing away, the result of my grades weren't the fact they completely caught me by surprise and now I am going to have to redo my sememster. < the hardest part about redoing the semester is I'm kind of disappointed in's not everyday that I fail at something...and when I've always done so well in school in the's a harsh blow.

But I've got a plan and I'm working on getting better. The doc says it's a great thing that I'm not going back so soon, I couldn't handle much more stress.

My Plan for success:
1. Live on campus...if not possible move close to campus or invest in a car to drive. (working on the investing in a car < I've finally taken driving lessons to get my G2 Woot! - and I'm also going to work on the staying on campus.)
2. Healthy Mind and Body...this wasn't exactly my top priority since fact neither my mind nor my body was very healthy...I skipped breakfast, my classes blew through lunch and half the time I wasn't hungry anyways and dinner was always eaten around 10pm (not to mention when I did decide I was hungry besides dinner it was always out of the campus caf). Priority: controlling the stress...shouldn't be much accept for homework ...eating properly and physical excersise.

A typical Day Last year:

Wake up 4 a.m
out of the house by 5:15
at the mall and on the city bus for 5:30
At the station for 6:15
on the bus to toronto for 6:45
At transfer point for 7:15
On second bus for 7:30
At school for 8:15
Class at 9:00

Class ends at 5:05
on bus for 5:20
transfer point 5:50
bus 5:55
arrive at station 8:00
city bus 1: 8:20
transfer point: 9:00
City bus 2: 9:15
final stop: 9:50
either walk for 20 minutes or take a transfer cab 5 mins

^ doesn't leave much time at the end of the day for sleep or was usually a toss up between the two

I mentioned November in the title...November is pretty much a write I usually do NanoWrimo and this year is no different than last...only this year I've stepped up to the plate with my notebook planner...the time that I've been off I've been planning the novels I want to start writing. I shouldn't have an excuse to why I shouldn't be writing...the video posted on the NaNoWriMo website on August 5th (it's now in the archive as theres a new one up) provided some great inspiration...really seeing that someone else besides myself had trouble writing. It put things in a whole different perspective and I'm going to try something new this year...usually I've been a panster but I'm a planner this year. It might prove to work out. < I'm going for the gold

As well with the time i've had off I've been working on my sketches and designs and been playing alot of sims 3...very fun!!


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